FanWalk is quite an experience, something you couldn't really feel on your own. There are so many different people and cultures, so many different lifestyles and personalities and you have a lot to learn from all of them. The concept of unity in diversity is so true around here!
The walking is good, it feels healthy and fulfilling, it's hard but fun, it's long but time flies, it's hell and it's heaven. I am so happy to find that I am confident in my ability to live the fanwalk.
The band is nice and friendly, the sony ericsson staff feels like family and I already love Christine the phone wander maker to begin with. They are close, friendly and helpful.
So this truly is the adventure of a lifetime and I am incredibly happy to be here, to live the story and tell you guys all about it. I want to thank all the people who supported me on this!
This message was written in 10 mins from a Sony Ericsson W995, and I may be crazy but I enjoyed every second of it!